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get property types at runtime

I have a Groovy class such as

class User {
    List<Foo> someFoos = new ArrayList<Foo>()
    List<Bar> someBars = new ArrayList<Bar>()    

I can iterate over these properties at runtime using

def user = new User()
List<MetaProperty> setProperties = {MetaProperty property ->'some')

If I inspect the type of each of these properties Set is returned

setProperties.each {MetaProperty setProperty -> 
    assert setProperty.type == Set    

Is there any way at runtime I can get the generic type parameter (Foo and Bar) for each of these properties?

I strongly suspect I cannot due to type erasure, but If someone could confirm my suspicions, I'd appreciate it.


  • Yes, you can. These are field definitions and they retain their type definitions at runtime. I'll give you the java code, you can also use it in groovy (I don't know a groovy-specific solution)

    Field[] fields = User.class.getDeclaredFields();
    for (Field field : fields) {
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
        Type concreteType = pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];