My objective is to query the array fields who have size less than 5.
I tried the below solution
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("Friends");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("Friend");
BasicDBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("MainArray", new BasicDBObject("$lt", new BasicDBObject("$size", 4)));
collection.find(filter).forEach((Consumer<Document>) doc -> {
//perform operations
I want to fetch the fields whose size is less than 4.
If I directly put the size 4 -- new BasicDBObject("$size",4)
It did works.
But I want to fetch the fields with array size less than 4 In that case it didn't work.
Please provide your valuable suggestions.
You are not using annotations.
{$expr:{$lt:[{$size:"$MainArray"}, 5]}}
You need to use $expr
to use operators in simple find.
Equivalent in BasicDBObject
new BasicDBObject("$expr",
new BasicDBObject("$lt",
Arrays<DBObject>.asList(new BasicDBObject("$size", "$MainArray"), 5)