I have been tasked with creating an inventory manager in python, and one of the required is to define the following function within the class:
- This function returns a string representation of a
The class refers to a file (inventory.txt) which has the following format: Country,Code,Product,Cost,Quantity
my code thus far is as follows:
# Creating the class:
class Shoes():
# Constructor:
def __init__(self,country,code,product,cost,quantity):
self.country = country
self.code = code
self.product = product
self.cost = cost
self.quantity = quantity
# Methods:
def get_cost():
inventory = open('inventory.txt','r')
inventory_list = inventory.readlines()
code = input("What is the code of the product:")
for line in inventory_list:
split_lines = line.split(",")
if code == split_lines[1]:
print("This product costs R{}".format(split_lines[3]))
def get_quantity():
inventory = open('inventory.txt','r')
inventory_list = inventory.readlines()
code = input("What is the code of the product:")
for line in inventory_list:
split_lines = line.split(",")
if code == split_lines[1]:
print("There are {} units in inventory".format(split_lines[4]))
def __str__(self):
I haven't come across the str so I really am not sure how it works, and how to use it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an example:
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.self.country},{self.self.code},{self.self.product}, {self.cost},{self.quantity })'
This way, when you assign values to a class, you can print its string representation
More info here https://www.pythontutorial.net/python-oop/python-str/