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How do I get a TextIO.instream from a POSIX file descriptor?

If I have a POSIX file descriptor of type Posix.FileSys.file_desc, how to I convert it into a TextIO.instream? I want to do the reverse of How do I get the file descriptor of a file opened using TextIO.openIn?


  • This'll do the trick. It requires a "name" for the instream, which the basis library claims is used for error messages shown to the user. So I would recommend using the name or path of the underlying file, if there is one.

    fun fdToInstream (name: string, fd: Posix.FileSys.file_desc) : TextIO.instream =
        val (flags, _) = Posix.IO.getfl fd
        val isNonBlockMode = Posix.IO.O.anySet (Posix.IO.O.nonblock, flags)
        val reader: TextIO.StreamIO.reader =
            { fd = fd
            , name = name
            , initBlkMode = not isNonBlockMode
        val stream_ins: TextIO.StreamIO.instream =
          TextIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (reader, "")
        TextIO.mkInstream stream_ins