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How to remove the last character from integer value in vb6

Hello i am trying to make a code that removes the last digit from an integer example

int num = 1234

to be

int num 123

I did the same code in C# but i am failing to do it on vb6 this is the c# code.

num = num.Remove(num.length -1)

on vb6 i tried something like this

num = Len(num) -1 

but all it does is from

num = 1234

it makes it

num = 1233

or just shows

num = 3 

since removed the 4th digit


  • You are on the right path. The key missing step is to convert the number to a string before manipulating it.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
       Dim num As Integer
       Dim s As String
       num = 1234
       s = CStr(num)              'convert number to a string
       s = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)    'remove last digit
       num = CInt(s)              'convert string back to a number
       Debug.Print num
    End Sub

    The error in your code is using Len on an Integer. From the documentation:

    Returns a Long containing the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable.