I have a spreadsheet with registrations for a Summer Camp. I want to filter the registrations based on location, in a new spreadsheet.
I have used the following code: =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BDv-P3Bx8kHLSEUILmFBMmSB502-LUkQ8oiw8BYaPyo/","Inschrijvingen!A2:W2800"),"SELECT * WHERE Col1 contains 'Amersfoort - Groep 1-2'")
It keeps on saying: error.
The second image is the main file with all registrations.
In the event your spreadsheet locale uses comma ,
instead of period .
as decimal mark, you will have to use semicolons ;
as formula argument separators, like this:
importrange("1BDv-P3Bx8kHLSEUILmFBMmSB502-LUkQ8oiw8BYaPyo"; "Inschrijvingen!A1:W");
"where Col1 contains 'Amersfoort - Groep 1-2' ";
You can choose the spreadsheet locale at File > Settings > Locale.