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What's the meaning of "under" in phrase "hit-under-miss"?

ARM website contains an explanation of a feature called "HUM" (hit-under-missing).

It seems that "under" can be interpreted as "after" or "follow", meaning that the previous access is a miss, and the subsequence access is a hit. Is this understanding correct? And if, I am wondering is there special context for using the word "under" (i.e., use spatial-relationship instead of time-relationship).


  • The word "under", in this case, probably means "during" or "while", as in "hit during (under the circumstances of recovering from a previous) miss".

    The intent is to let the load/store unit continue accessing memory freely while it waits for a line fill (transfer from cache-capable memory to the cache) to recover from a previous miss. There is no need to stall while there are no subsequent misses:

    Advancing time =======================>
    hit hit miss/line-fill ------> carry-on
                 hit hit hit hit >

    However, a stall will happen if a miss occurs while a line-fill is currently being performed. At that point, no further action will take place until the first line-fill completes, at which point the stall will "un-stall" and the next line-fill will start (alongside any non-misses):

    Advancing time ================================================>
    miss/line-fill --------> carry-on
         hit miss/stall ...> line-fill ----> carry on
                             miss/stall ...> line-fill ---> carry on
                                             hit hit ----->

    Perhaps a more graphical way of viewing this is in the following simplified block diagram:

          +-> | dcache | <---+ linefile
          |   +--------+     | (via amba)
          V             +----------+
    +------------+      | cachable |
    | load/store |      |  memory  |
    |    unit    |      +----------+
          ^         +--------------+
          |         | non-cachable |
          +-------> |    memory    |

    Once a line-fill starts, there is no stall provided the load/store unit only reads:

    • cachable memory that's already in the dcache; or
    • non-cachable memory.