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Avalonia - Is it possible to have a scrollable tool tip?

I have a rich tooltip with a custom control. The custom control contains a scollviewer and I would like this to be scrollable with the mouse wheel, when the tooltip is shown.

The UserControl itself is fine and scrolling works, if shown in a normal view.

<ItemsControl Items="{Binding AllCards}" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
            <CardControl ToolTip.Placement="Right"
                    <UserControl Content="{Binding Details}" MaxHeight="500"/>

Excerpt of the user control shown in the tooltip.


    <ScrollViewer MaxHeight="800">
        <ItemsControl Items="{Binding HitList}" Margin="0,5,15,0">


  • It's not possible to scroll ToolTip content because it cannot receive focus. More appropriate control for this purpose would be a Popup, it has the same default looks and it will not close when you hover your mouse over.