I have this MySQL Query:
SELECT a.orcidid
, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct a.`from` SEPARATOR '<>' ) as StartDate
, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct a.`to` SEPARATOR '<>' ) as EndDate
from orcidaffils a
GROUP BY a.orcidid ;
For this DATA Table:
CREATE TABLE `orcidaffils` (
`recid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`affil` varchar(6000) DEFAULT NULL,
`orcidid` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`country` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`from` date DEFAULT NULL,
`to` date DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`recid`)
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of orcidaffils
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `orcidaffils` VALUES ('2', 'Graz University of Technology', '0000-0004-1034-5187', 'Graz', 'AT', '2010-01-01', null);
INSERT INTO `orcidaffils` VALUES ('3', 'Ecole Polytechnique', '0000-0004-1034-5187','Palaiseau', 'FR', '2008-09-01', '2010-07-01');
INSERT INTO `orcidaffils` VALUES ('4', 'University of Würzburg', '0000-0004-1034-5187', 'Wurzburg', 'DE', '2005-09-01', '2007-12-01');
No I would like to get this output:
The question is how to group_concat that the beginndate and the enddate is merged together per affliliation.
2010-01-01-now<>2008-01-09 to 2010-01-07<>2005-01-09 to 2007-01-12
thanks for any usefull advice.
As per the image you've mentioned you could try something like this:
SELECT a.orcidid ,
, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(a.`from`, ' to ', IFNULL(a.`to`,'now')) SEPARATOR '<>' ) AS StartDate
FROM orcidaffils a
GROUP BY a.orcidid ;