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Visual Basic set User Agent with ReadXml

I'm trying to set the user agent for a request with XmlRead. I googled a lot about this and couldn't find the answer. Here is my chunk of code:

 Dim RssData As DataSet
        Dim Title As String
        Dim Url As String
        Dim Stream As String
        Dim buffer As Integer
        RssData = New DataSet()
        buffer = 0
        For Each RssRow As DataRow In RssData.Tables("entry").Rows
            Title = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(RssRow.Item("title").ToString, 30)
            Stream += Title & vbCrLf

        LinkLabel3.Text = Stream

        For Each RssRow As DataRow In RssData.Tables("entry").Rows
            Title = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(RssRow.Item("title").ToString, 30)
            Url = RssRow.Item("url").ToString
            LinkLabel3.Links.Add(buffer, Title.Length, Url)
            buffer = buffer + Title.Length + 2


  • The part of the code that actually performs the web request is buried pretty deep so you'd have to inherit a bunch of code to do what you asked for. Instead, let me suggest a different path, download the XML on your own with code that's easy to set that header, and then load that into the dataset. The WebClient class lets you set arbitrary headers and has a simple DownloadString method. Once you've got that you can wrap it in a MemoryStream and pass that into ReadXml(). (I couldn't find a way to read the XML as a string, that's why I was forced to read it as Stream.)

        ''//Will hold our downloaded XML
        Dim MyXml As String
        ''//Create a webclient to download our XML
        Using WC As New System.Net.WebClient()
            ''//Manually set the user agent header
            WC.Headers.Add("user-agent", "your user agent here")
            ''//Download the XML
            MyXml = WC.DownloadString("http://localhost/user_agent.php")
        End Using
        ''//Create our dataset object
        Dim RssData As New DataSet()
        ''//There is no direct method to load XML as a string (at least that I could find) so we will
        ''//    convert it to a byte array and load it into a memory stream
        Dim Bytes As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(MyXml)
        Using MS As New System.IO.MemoryStream(Bytes)
            ''//Load the stream into the reader
        End Using
        ''//Your code continues normally here