In search for the right type hint for a sqlalchemy cursor of a sqlalchemy query, here is an example function:
import sqlalchemy
from typing import Tuple, tuple
def get_cursor_and_records(
connection, query) -> Tuple[sqlalchemy.engine.cursor?, tuple]:
"""Make a database cursor for the query and fetch the query output
:param connection: mysqldb connection to db
:param query: mysql query string
cursor: row-wise data fetch from the db connection's query
records: List(Tuple([column types...])) output from cursor.fetchall()
cursor = connection.cursor()
records = cursor.fetchall()
return cursor, records
The cursor is built with sqlalchemy (in many steps, not just in one step like here):
The records are then:
From Type hinting sqlalchemy query result, it seems to be right to use tuple
(as one of three objects to choose from).
This shows that -> List[Tuple[int, str, str]]
would be right for example. Yet, I use this function for many queries with changing column number and types. Therefore I use tuple
, not fully sure about it, though.
What is the right type hint for a sqlalchemy cursor? And if wrong, what is the right type hint for the sqlalchemy records?
Solved by printing out the type:
<class 'MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor'>
<class 'tuple'>
Thus, not the sqlalchemy cursor, but the MySQLdb cursor type is used here.
And: the built-in tuple
is needed, I had mistakenly thought it would be a tuple
type from sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy
from MySQLdb.cursors import Cursor
from typing import Tuple
def get_cursor_and_records(
connection, query) -> Tuple[Cursor, tuple]:
"""Make a database cursor for the query and fetch the query output
:param connection: mysqldb connection to db
:param query: mysql query string
cursor: row-wise data fetch from the db connection's query
records: List(Tuple([column types...])) output from cursor.fetchall()
cursor = connection.cursor()
records = cursor.fetchall()
return cursor, records
UPDATE: This "trick" of getting the right type for typing is also at Type hints for SQLAlchemy engine and session objects.