I'm calling roxygenize() with parameter use.Rd2 = TRUE. I have a file testcase.R where I create a simple S3 object using R.oo. Here's the contents of the file. There's nothing for roxygen to do here, and it should ignore the contents:
library( R.oo )
setConstructorS3( "TestCase" ,
extend( Object() , "TestCase",
.parameters = list() ,
.validationData = list()
} )
And here's the error:
Error in parse.name(partitum) :
(converted from warning) No name found for the following expression in E:/mypackage/R/te
stcase.R line 1:
`library( R.oo ) . . .'
Calls: roxygenize ... <Anonymous> -> maybe.call -> do.call -> <Anonymous> -> par
How can I eliminate the warning? Per suggestions in other posts, I added the following as the first line, but it didn't work:
#' @nord
Upgrading to Roxygen2 eliminated the error.