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How to solve "UTF-8" is not supported encoding name

I am using HttpClient to send a post request to a remote server where I do not have control and trying to get the response as following

HttpResponseArgs result = //Make the request with HttpClient object ( I am skipping it here)

var stringResult = result?.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; // exception thrown here as "UTF-8" is not supported encoding name

on debug I found the Content-Type header in response from remote server is set as "text/xml; charset ="UTF-8"" Please note the extra "" between UTF-8 this is causing the error if I remove the header from response and put a new content-Type header with "text/xml; charset =UTF-8". please note I removed the extra Quote around UTF-8 the code

result?.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; // works fine now

Please suggest what can I do? I feel its a bug in .net framework as postman can interpret response of remote server in correct way.

the problem is in double quoate around UTF-8 in header of response


  • You can use custom EncodingProvider

    public class Utf8EncodingProvider : EncodingProvider
        public override Encoding GetEncoding(string name)
            return name == "\"UTF-8\"" ? Encoding.UTF8 : null;
        public override Encoding GetEncoding(int codepage)
            return null;
        public static void Register()
            Encoding.RegisterProvider(new Utf8EncodingProvider());

    Usage based on your question code:

    Utf8EncodingProvider.Register(); //You should call it once at startup of your application
    HttpResponseArgs result = //Make the request with HttpClient object ( I am skipping it here)
    var stringResult = result?.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; // Must be executed without exception.