Has import changed in Hy version 1.0a4+199.g22021c56? I'm trying to import a file from the same folder (or cwd), but I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'thenameofthefile'
Even if I append current path to sys.path.
This is how you can reproduce it.
echo "(defn doit[] (print \"something\"))" > printsomething.hy
echo "(import printsomething [doit])" > callit.hy
echo "(doit printsomething)" >> callit.hy
hy callit.hy
For me, the above produces NameError: name 'printsomething' is not defined
. The problem is that doit
is imported selectively, so the name printsomething
is not bound to the whole module. To get both a selective import and the whole module, you need
(import printsomething [doit] printsomething)
or in Python
from printsomething import doit
import printsomething
Note that this will still crash, since doit() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given