I need to align text in an ALERT STRING column with the row identified by number in an ID ROW column.
Additionally, I need to also align the same ALERT STRING text with the same ID ROW number AND with the ID matching that embedded in a string in the TEXT WITH ID column. (This double-check will sometimes be necessary with the real-world data.)
So far, I've only figured out how to align the ALERT STRING with the ID matching that embedded in the TEXT WITH ID column:
I appreciate any help folks can offer. You can find an editable copy of the workbook here: https://1drv.ms/x/s!ArQ7Kw6ayNMY2zktTW3pDCbMmJZ_
UPDATE: Nayan provided a solution to the first part of this question (please see answer below). I'm still trying to work out a formula for the column D part of this question, in which the row reference shown in column E is combined with a match of the ID shown in column A with its corresponding value in one of the text strings in column F.
The best I've been able to come up with so far is a formula with a high failure rate:
Any help with this part of the question will be greatly appreciated.
returns 2. If nothing provided like ROW()
will also
return row number based on position of cell where it is called.VLOOKUP(loolup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
Try this:
INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num]) INDEX(reference, row_num, [column_num], [area_num])
In this case, you have to get row_num with MATCH function.
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
: 1 (Less than), 0 (Exact match), -1 (Greater than)Try this:
Identity Data with Multiple Criteria Condition using MATCH()
=INDEX($G$2:$G$11,MATCH(1, (ROW(D2) = $E$2:$E$11) * (ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A2, $F$2:$F$11))),0))