Whenever I run the following file (and main encounters the WebDriverException exception) my program ends instead of restarting. Would anyone know why that's happening? Any help would be greatly appreciated – thank you.
from uploadToBeatstars import main
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
except WebDriverException:
print("Dumb target error happened. Restarting program.")
from uploadToBeatstars import driver
import sys
import os
os.execv(sys.executable, ['python'] + sys.argv)
You don't need to respawn the interpreter after a failure in general, just retry in a loop:
from uploadToBeatstars import main, driver
from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException
while True:
except WebDriverException:
print("Dumb target error happened. Restarting program.")
driver.close() # Not sure if it is needed, can driver be alive after an exception?
# Try again
break # Stop if no exception occurred.