I found this code and i just need to understand its idea and how is it working. it outputs a list of numbers that sums up to a specific number (goal)
example for a run:
?- threeSum([3,8,9,10,12,14],27,Output).
Output = [3, 10, 14] ;
Output = [8, 9, 10] ;
and here is the code:
threeSum([H|T], Goal, Output):-
subset([], []).
subset([H|T], [H|T1]):-
subset(T, T1).
Val = MaxVal.
has three different cases:
subset([], []).
the base case: if the input list is empty, it returns also an empty list
subset([H|T], [H|T1]):- subset(T,T1).
(this case is selected by default if the list is not empty): the first element of the output list is set to be equal to the first element of the input list. The tail of the list is then calculated recursively.
subset([_|T],T1) :- subset(T, T1).
This case is selected, if the upper cases fail somehow: The head element of the input list is ignored and the tail is again calculated recursively.
The last part of solve/3
just sums the values of Lout
, compares it to the goal value, and if it fails, it backtracks, i.e. tries to find another solution for subset/2
At first, the second case of subset/2
is selected until the input list is empty.
So after the first subset([3,8,9,10,12,14], Lout)
in solve/3
, Lout
becomes [3,8,9,10,12,14]
The sum of this list is not equal to MaxVal
, so it fails and the backtracking is initiated.
Now the last call of subset/3
with a choice point, i.e. subset([14], Lout)
fails, such that the third case of subset/3
is called.
Therefore, after the first backtracking step, the value of Lout
in subset([3,8,9,10,12,14], Lout)
is now [3,8,9,10,12]
This is again not equal to MaxVal
and the next backtracking is started.
This goes on and on until Val = MaxVal
is true.