So lets say I have a objects like a face. I take multiple pictures of the face all at different angles and from far and close. I have a sort of idea of how to make a 3d model out of these pictures but don't know how to accomplish them. My idea goes likes this.
Anyone have any idea how to accomplish any of these steps or any ideas how to create a 3d model out of a series of images? I use python 3.10.4.
It seems that you are asking if there are some Python modules that would help to implement a complete photogrammetry process.
Please note that, even in the existing (and commercial) photogrammetry solutions, the process is not always fully-automated, sometimes it require some manual tweaking & point cloud selection.
Anyway, to the best of my knowledge, what you asked requires to implement the following steps:
Possibly, all of these steps can be implemented in Python but I'm not aware that such a "off-the-shelf" module does exist.