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how to create relationship between two entities with foreign key using typeorm

I need to create a relationship between two entities, I need that whenever I create a new user, a user account is created where the owner is the id of the created user.


  1. When registering a new user must belong to a user account.
  2. Each user account must have an owner.
  3. I can have multiple users linked to one user account.

Below is the code I have today.

export class User extends BaseEntity { 
    public id!: string;
    //cannot be null
    @ManyToOne(() => UserAccount, (obj) => obj.user)
    public userAccount: Relation<UserAccount>; 

export class UserAccount extends BaseEntity {
  public id!: string;
  // must be unique and cannot be null
  @OneToOne(() => User, (user) =>
  public owner: Relation<User>;

  @OneToMany(() => User, (obj) => obj.userAccount)
  public user: Relation<User>;

I tried the way it is above but it doesn't meet the rules described above.

How do I create the relationship between these two entities in a way that respects the rules described above?


  • The User table has OneToOne relation with UserAccount. Also, it has many linked accounts UserAccount[]. DOC

    export class User extends BaseEntity {
        public id!: string;
        @OneToOne(() => UserAccount, { nullable: false })
        @JoinColumn() // <-- creates relational column in user table
        public ownAccount!: UserAccount;
        @OneToMany(() => UserAccount, (userAccount) => userAccount.user)
        public linkedUserAccounts!: UserAccount[]; // <-- Array
    export class UserAccount extends BaseEntity {
        public id!: string;
        @ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.linkedUserAccounts)
        @JoinColumn() // <-- creates relational column in UserAccount table
        public user!: User;