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Getting Error for @CucumberOptions and seems cucumber.class deprecated

[My Test Runner Class][1]

I tried to create TestRunner Class (using Eclipse-Java11-Cucumber-Maven); however getting error for CucumberOptions annotation and seems Cucumber.class is deprecated. Please let me know how to solve this? Please see attached image.

Also, below is the Test Runner Code:

package TestRunner;

import io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.platform.*;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

        feature = "src\\test\\java\\AppFeatures",
        glue = "StepDefinitions")

public class Runner {



  • If you look at the source code for io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Cucumber you'll see that:

    package io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine;
    import org.apiguardian.api.API;
    import org.apiguardian.api.API.Status;
    import org.junit.platform.commons.annotation.Testable;
    import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
    import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
    import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
    import java.lang.annotation.Target;
     * Test discovery annotation. Marks the package of the annotated class for test
     * discovery.
     * <p>
     * Maven and Gradle do not support the
     * {@link org.junit.platform.engine.discovery.DiscoverySelectors} used by
     * Cucumber. As a workaround Cucumber will scan the package of the annotated
     * class for feature files and execute them.
     * <p>
     * Note about Testable: While this class is annotated with @Testable the
     * recommended way for IDEs and other tooling use the selectors implemented by
     * Cucumber to discover feature files.
     * <p>
     * @deprecated Please use the JUnit Platform Suite to run Cucumber in
     *             combination with Surefire or Gradle. E.g: <code><pre>{@code
     *package com.example;
     *import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
     *import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasspathResource;
     *import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;
     *import static io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME;
     *   key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME,
     *   value = "com.example"
     *public class RunCucumberTest {
     * @see        CucumberTestEngine
    @API(status = Status.DEPRECATED)
    public @interface Cucumber {

    If you are using Maven you can download the sources with mvn dependency:sources. Though typically you won't have to as your IDE can do this for you.

    Now there are a few things to observe here:

    1. If you search for the JUnit Platform you'll find that it is part of JUnit 5. However @RunWith is part of JUnit 4.

      This means that you are mixing different framework versions together. You can not expect that to work.

    2. There is a code snippet in the Javadoc that suggests the correct way to use Cucumber with JUnit 5.

    package com.example;
    import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
    import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeEngines;
    import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectClasspathResource;
    import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;
    import static io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME;
    @ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "com.example")
    public class RunCucumberTest {

    You should consider using that.

    Each open source project is different but it's also good to look at the source. Documentation may be included:

    And since this is a JUnit 5 engine, the JUnit 5 documentation is good to read too.