so I'm preparing a Python package which is completely new for me. The structure is as follow:
├── package_name/
├── datasets/
├── tests/
├── pyproject.toml
└── setup.cfg
I'm using setuptools and testing it using testpypi and everything is working correctly, installing all the dependencies and so on. However when I try to import it to a file and use a function, let's call it abc() from file in order to have it working I have to import the entire pipeline:
import package_name.package_name.functions as pnf
in order to access to the functions from there. What do I need to modify - files structure? or add - to setup, init or elsewhere to have it shorter, like:
import package_name.functions as pnf
? Thanks, Chris
So it turn out, the problem was relatively simple, all it had to be done was to change setup.cfg file, so:
packages = package_name
instead of using find:
this solved the problem.