I'm working through the following example to add Azure B2C authentication to a Xamarin Forms app. I have the Android app working but the iOS app gets an exception in App.xaml.cs when the following code is called:
AuthenticationClient = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(Constants.ClientId)
The exception is:
Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalClientException: The application cannot access the iOS keychain for the application publisher (the TeamId is null).
I reviewed the following link that is referenced in the exception:
I think I've addresses all the directions but still get the exception. Any suggestions? Where is the value for $(AppIdentifierPrefix) specified?
Using Xamarin.Forms, Microsoft.Identity.Client 4.22.0, and Xcode 12.1
Did you missed this step: "Then open the project settings and in the iOS Bundle Signing select the Entitlements.plist inside the Custom Entitlements property."