I have this problem, I need the behaivorSubject not to return the value when it is null, since the result is grabbed by a component made by third parties and if this is null it throws me an error.
It should return the same only when I get the response from the server, I leave my code here:
getCarList(params): Observable<CarListGrid> {
if (this.carListSubject$ === undefined) {
this.carListSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<CarListGrid>(null);
return this.carListSubject$.asObservable();
refetchCarList(gridParams) {
const subscription = this.http.post<CarListGrid>(this.baseUrl + 'GetCar', {gridParams} ,httpOptions).pipe(map(data => this.setDefaultValuesToCar(data))).subscribe(
(response) => {
Is there any way to prevent the subject from responding with a value when it is null? Or else, how can I give this code another way to help me with that?
You could filter those nulls out, like this:
getCarList(params): Observable<CarListGrid> {
if (this.carListSubject$ === undefined) {
this.carListSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<CarListGrid>(null);
return this.carListSubject$
.pipe(filter((value) => value !== null));