I have this jquery that can detect the sentence and add the span on it
this is the page where i want to run jquery
you have to login to view the page
Username:ABC paswword:ABC@@99
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){
$("h5:contains('Medium Overall Feasibility of Use Case')").html(function(_, html) {
return html.replace(/(Medium Overall Feasibility of Use Case)/g, '<yellow class="yellow">$1</yellow>');
This is the jQuery that need to run...
The jQuery snippet you shared works on my side for the page you shared. As a proof of concept, take a look at the following screenshot:
What are the other pages you are referring to ? What exactly doesn't work when you run this code at your side ?
Note: It's always a bad idea to publicly share the credentials of your university account, for security reasons.