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fast Javascript templating engine that works with jQuery superfish?

I have a project with a very standard layout so I suspect this is a common problem:

HEADER-CONTAINER DIV - includes superfish jQuery menu plugin but am open to other menu options if necessary.
CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV - depending on the page, contains several other jQuery plugins, HTML, javaScript, etc.

I'm looking for a elegant and well performing way to have a superfish menu click load the CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV with new content. The content contains both HTML and javaScript. I also want the solution to change the URL so if someone returns later to /my/page it will reload to the correct location (similar my understanding of Backbone.Router).

Any suggestions? If possible, please provide a link to a page loading into a div example and running any javaScript included in the load.


  • I searched around and found the a decent example that shows how to take any #url and reload a div. Example found at