's replace
directive is a local configuration option, different developers could have the local module source in different locations.
It just feels wrong including this option in a file that has to be committed to a repo from which others can use the module (be it private or public).
Is there a way to specify this somewhere else than in go.mod
module github.com/Drean64/c64
go 1.18
replace github.com/Drean64/cpu6502 => ../../cpu6502/src
replace directive temporary solution when you want to use local modules but I prefer to use build flags, below -modfile
is good and you can use it while building or running the program.
example : go run -modfile=local.mod main.go
-modfile file
in module aware mode, read (and possibly write) an alternate go.mod
file instead of the one in the module root directory. A file named
"go.mod" must still be present in order to determine the module root
directory, but it is not accessed. When -modfile is specified, an
alternate go.sum file is also used: its path is derived from the
-modfile flag by trimming the ".mod" extension and appending ".sum".
I do use replace directive only when needs a temporary solution.