Search code examples

unshorten URL in Google Apps Script

I use the following code (posted on to unshorten URLs in Google App Script:

function ExpandURL(url) {
  url = url.indexOf("https://") == 0 ? url : "https://" + url;  // Added
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { followRedirects: false });
  var longurl = decodeURIComponent(response.getHeaders()['Location']);
  return longurl;

But when I use it for an example URL:

function test() {
  Logger.log( ExpandURL("OWLYURL"))

I get the following message error in the log window:

Exception: Address unavailable: OWLYURL

(PLEASE replace OWLYURL with /d9AV30jRJWJ (without space); since I cannot post my question when the body contains such plain URL)

The same thing happens for many other URLs I've tried.

Is there any way to solve this issue?


  • In your question, https:// ow . ly /d9AV30jRJWJ is used (Spaces are included because of avoiding the error of Stackoverflow.). But, I thought that in this case, it might be http:// ow . ly /d9AV30jRJWJ. Because when I accessed https:// ow . ly /d9AV30jRJWJ, no response is returned. On the other hand, when I accessed http:// ow . ly /d9AV30jRJWJ, the blog page is returned. If my understanding is correct, how about the following modification?

    Modified script:

    function ExpandURL(url) {
      url = /https?:\/\//.test(url) ? url : "https://" + url; // Modified
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { followRedirects: false });
      var longurl = decodeURIComponent(response.getHeaders()['Location']);
      return longurl;
    function test() {
      Logger.log(ExpandURL("http:// ow . ly /d9AV30jRJWJ")) // When you test this, please modify ` ow . ly ` to ``.
    • When this test is run, is returned.