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Joining multiple tables with ValidFrom/ValidTo dates (SCD2)

Question: How do I JOIN multiple (3+) tables, which all have SCD type 2 validFrom/validTo dates in them?

I have the following tables:

-- table 1
CREATE TABLE dbo.Clients (
    clientCode    varchar(10) NOT NULL,
    startDate     date NOT NULL,
    [name]        varchar(200) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT PK_Clients PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (clientCode, startDate)

-- table 2
CREATE TABLE dbo.Projects (
    clientCode    varchar(10) NOT NULL,  --- Each project belongs to a client.
    projectCode   varchar(10) NOT NULL,
    startDate     date NOT NULL,
    [name]        varchar(200) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT PK_Projects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (projectCode, startDate)

.. with the following dummy data:

-- dummy data
INSERT INTO dbo.Clients (clientCode, startDate, [name])
VALUES ('A', {d '2010-01-01'}, 'Client A (first)'),
       ('A', {d '2011-04-01'}, 'Client A (second)'),
       ('A', {d '2011-09-01'}, 'Client A (third)'),
       ('A', {d '2012-02-01'}, 'Client A (fourth)'),
       ('A', {d '2014-01-01'}, 'Client A (fifth)'),
       ('B', {d '2010-01-01'}, 'Client B (first)'),
       ('B', {d '2011-02-01'}, 'Client B (second)'),
       ('B', {d '2011-08-01'}, 'Client B (third)'),
       ('B', {d '2011-12-01'}, 'Client B (fourth)'),
       ('B', {d '2012-11-01'}, 'Client B (fifth)');

-- dummy data
INSERT INTO dbo.Projects (clientCode, projectCode, startDate, [name])
VALUES ('A', '1', {d '2010-01-15'}, 'Project 1, first revision'),
       ('A', '1', {d '2012-04-22'}, 'Project 1, second revision'),
       ('A', '2', {d '2010-02-08'}, 'Project 2, first revision'),
       ('A', '2', {d '2010-09-12'}, 'Project 2, second revision'),
       ('A', '2', {d '2012-08-18'}, 'Project 2, third revision'),
       ('B', '3', {d '2011-04-01'}, 'Project 3, first revision'),
       ('B', '3', {d '2011-12-01'}, 'Project 3, second revision'),
       ('B', '3', {d '2014-02-28'}, 'Project 3, third revision');

Using these two tables, we generate startDate and endDate intervals:

--- Clients:
WITH c (clientCode, [name], startDate, endDate) AS (
    SELECT clientCode, [name], startDate,
           --- Find the next record's startDate, ordered by startDate.
           LEAD(startDate, 1, {d '2099-12-31'}) OVER (
               PARTITION BY clientCode
               ORDER BY startDate) AS endDate
    FROM dbo.Clients),

--- Projects:
     p (projectCode, clientCode, [name], startDate, endDate) AS (
    SELECT projectCode, clientCode, [name], startDate,
           --- Find the next record's startDate, order by startDate
           LEAD(startDate, 1, {d '2099-12-31'}) OVER (
               PARTITION BY projectCode
               ORDER BY startDate) AS endDate
    FROM dbo.Projects)

SELECT c.clientCode, c.[name] AS clientName,
       p.projectCode, p.[name] AS projectName,
       --- Start date is the last of (c.startDate, p.startDate)
       (CASE WHEN c.startDate<p.startDate THEN p.startDate ELSE c.startDate END) AS startDate,
       --- End date is the first of (c.endDate, p.endDate)
       (CASE WHEN c.endDate<p.endDate THEN c.endDate ELSE p.endDate END) AS endDate
    c.clientCode=p.clientCode AND
    c.startDate<p.endDate AND

-- IF two new tables were introducted (t3 and t4), would the following JOINS work?
-- LEFT JOIN dbo.Table3 as t3
-- on p.clientCode = t3.clientcode AND
-- p.startdate<t3.endate AND
-- p.endDate>t3.startdate
-- LEFT JOIN dbo.Table4 as t4
-- on t3.toolId = t4.toolid AND      --> toolId is a new key that I need for the join, since t4 does not have clientCode
-- t3.startdate<t4.enddate AND
-- t3.enddate>t4.startdate
ORDER BY c.clientCode, p.projectCode, 5;

My problem: In the bottom of the above query, I commented out the LEFT JOINS, which I will have to make when more SCD2 tables are introduced. I am unsure if the commented out LEFT JOINS i made will work. Do you see any issues with it?

Adding more JOINS maybe conflicts the CASE WHEN statement used in the above query..:

       --- Start date is the last of (c.startDate, p.startDate)
       (CASE WHEN c.startDate<p.startDate THEN p.startDate ELSE c.startDate END) AS startDate,
       --- End date is the first of (c.endDate, p.endDate)
       (CASE WHEN c.endDate<p.endDate THEN c.endDate ELSE p.endDate END) AS endDate

This CASE when statement is used because I want no two intervals to reference the same date. So, the output interval is defined by the larger of (a.startTime, b.startTime) and the smaller of (a.endTime, b.endTime).

I see an issue here, since this CASE WHEN statement only evaluates startDate and endDate intervals from 2 tables and not 3, 4 or more tables.

How can this perhaps be solved?


  • Would you be interested in using SqlServer's geometry data type to represent time periods? Here I applied it to your example:

    WITH c (clientCode, [name], Perd) AS (
        SELECT clientCode, [name],
               Perd=geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (' + format(startdate,'yyyyMMdd')+' 0, '+
                          format(LEAD(startDate, 1, {d '2099-12-31'}) OVER (
                                   PARTITION BY clientCode
                                   ORDER BY startDate) , 'yyyyMMdd') +' 0)', 0)
        FROM #Clients),
    --- Projects:
         p (projectCode, clientCode, [name], Perd) AS (
        SELECT projectCode, clientCode, [name], 
               Perd=geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (' + format(startdate,'yyyyMMdd')+' 0, '+
                           format(LEAD(startDate, 1, {d '2099-12-31'}) OVER (
                                    PARTITION BY projectCode
                                    ORDER BY startDate) , 'yyyyMMdd') +' 0)', 0)
        FROM #Projects)
    SELECT c.clientCode, c.[name] AS clientName,
           p.projectCode, p.[name] AS projectName,
           startDate=try_cast(format(c.Perd.STIntersection(p.Perd).STEndPoint().STX ,'########') as date),
           endDate=try_cast(format(c.Perd.STIntersection(p.Perd).STStartPoint().STX, '########') as date)
        inner join
        p on
        c.clientCode=p.clientCode AND p.Perd.STIntersection(c.Perd).STLength()>0
    order by 1,5

    This can be easier to nest as a subquery, and join to another temporal table.

    I would imagine that this wouldn't be very fast with very large data-sets, though.