I need to find the sum of the third square of the matrix. That means that there is matrix like
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
and the result must be 4
I think that I manage to find sum of the elements in the 1D list that I'm looking for, but I can't solve this problem with 2D lists
Right now I've made somethig like this
%Start task
%+Test matrix#, -Sum
matrix_pro(Ms, 1,N,0,S).
%Procedure to go through rows and get sum of each
%+Matrix, +Current row ,+Rows Counter, +Accumulator, -Sum
print(' Enter matrix_pro '),
row_sum(R, Cr, 1,Size,S11),
print(' Sum is S11 ' + S11),
Cr1 is Cr + 1,
Acc1 is Acc +S11,
%Calculate the sum of each element that we need in a row
%List, +Curent row, +Current index/column in list, +Length, sum
row_sum([H|T], Cr, Index, Size, Sum):-
Cr>= Size/2,
Line is Size/2,
Line =< Cr,
Index =< Line,
Index1 is Index + 1,
row_sum(T, Cr, Index1, Size, S1),
Sum is S1 + H.
row_sum([_|T], Cr, Index, Size, Sum):-
print(' Entering with no sum '),
% Line is Size /2,
print(' Houston?? '),
Index > Size/2,
Index1 is Index + 1,
I would really appreciate your help.
For any square matrix and with (even length sides) you may split the matrix in two halves, then for every row in the second half sum half items and finally aggregate those partial sums:
sum_third_quadrant(K, Sum):-
matrix_data(K, Matrix),
length(Matrix, Len),
HalfLen is Len/2,
length(Upper, HalfLen), % each one of these lists
length(Lower, HalfLen), % will have half the length of the matrix side
length(UpperRow, HalfLen), % and will be filled with free variables
length(LowerRow, HalfLen), % that will be unified by append/3
append(Upper, Lower, Matrix), % Split Matrix in two halves
( member(Row, Lower), % For every Row in lower half matrix
append(LowerRow, UpperRow, Row), % Split Row y two halves
sumlist(LowerRow, HalfRowSum) % And compute the sum of the lower half in HalfrowSum
HalfSums), %HalfSums is a list of the sum of each half row
sumlist(HalfSums, Sum). % Now sum the partial sums
Sample run:
?- sum_third_quadrant(1, Sum).
Sum = 4.
This procedure will not work for odd length sided matrices as I am unsure what would be the third quadrant there.