I know this sounds very common but still even searching not able to find soltion for my use case. What i a trying to do is i am calling one powershell after another from one file say "Test" and scripts Script A and Script B
.....other stuff
Now if my scriptA gets executed successfully then ScriptB should execute but if ScriptA throws any exception for which i have already put try/catch block inside ScriptA, ScriptB should not execute. But i am not able to enforce any check from my "Test" to stop execution of ScriptB.ps1.
Looked for the exit codes but not sure how to collect back in the "Test" something like
ScriptA.ps1----returns exit code 1
if(exit code!=1)
"Cant execute due to error"
.....other stuff
If your .ps1
scripts communicate failure by nonzero exit code - via an exit
statement - you must use the automatic $LASTEXITCODE
variable to check for such an exit code:
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
# ...
In PowerShell (Core) 7+, you can more simply use &&
, the pipeline-chain AND operator:
# PowerShell 7+ only.
.\ScriptA.ps1 && .\ScriptB.ps1 # Execute ScriptB only if ScriptA succeeded.