I need to check if a booking with the same timestamp and product id has been made before inserting a new row.
I am struggling with making this policy and would be great if anybody could help.
Here is the schema for my table:
create table Bookings (
id bigint not null primary key,
created_at timestamp default now(),
start timestamp default now(),
name character,
user_id uuid,
notes text,
product_id bigint references Services (id),
status text not null,
owner_id uuid default uuid_generate_v4()
I have tried using triggers with no luck and I made a function to check if there is a row with the same timestamp and product id with timestamp and product is as input and a bool as output. At first I was thinking I could use this in the policy but I received some errors that the function didn't exist.
create or replace function same_time_bookings(bookingtime timestamp, product int)
returns boolean
returnbool boolean;
SELECT case when COUNT(*) > 0
then 0
else 1
end into returnbool from "Bookings" where
product_id = product
and extract(year from start) = extract(year from bookingtime)
and extract(month from start) = extract(month from bookingtime)
and extract(day from start) = extract(day from bookingtime)
and extract(hour from start) = extract(hour from bookingtime);
return returnbool;
$$ language plpgsql;
You need to create a unique constraint for 2 columns product_id
and start
. This way you can have multiple rows with the same product_id but different timestamps.
create table Bookings (
id bigint not null primary key,
created_at timestamp default now(),
start timestamp default now(),
product_id bigint,
UNIQUE (product_id, start) -- Add this
Demo in DBfiddle