I have created a custom module. Which simply registers a hook, whose only function is to obtain a list of products of a specific category.
The hook works perfectly. Then I call it from a TPL file, it is called correctly, but when I try to get the hook variable from the TPL file, I can't.
This is the code of my Hook.
public function hookDisplayCaronteCategories($params){
if (array_key_exists('max', $params)) {
$max = $params['max'];
$max = 1000;
$category = new Category(
$params['id_category'], //id de la categoría
(int)Context::getContext()->language->id // id del idioma
$caronteProducts = $category->getProducts(
(int)Context::getContext()->language->id, //id lenguaje
1, //número de páginas
$max, //productos por páginas
'date_add', //order by
'DESC', //order way
false, //get total
true, //mostrar activos
false, // random
1, // random_number_products
true, //check access
Context::getContext() //context
$this->smarty->assign(array('caronteProducts', $caronteProducts));
return $this->display('http://localhost/rapture/themes/classic_child/templates/cms/page-6.tpl');
The var_dump function at the end correctly displays the product data.
However, if I do a var_dump from the tpl, the function returns null. This is how I call the hook from the tpl.
{hook h="displayCaronteCategories" id_category=11}
And this is what I get:
How can I get the hook variable in the tpl file?
Thank you.
in which TPL are you trying to print the $caronteProducts variable ?
You'll need to fetch/render your TPL inside your hook, and the variable will be available there as there is no global scope..
Something like :
$this->smarty->assign(array('caronteProducts', $caronteProducts));
return $this->display(dirname(__FILE__), 'views/templates/hook/caronteproducts.tpl');