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How to handle fixed and variable [assembly] items if both seem to be present mandatory inside one file?

I'm setting up a Build Server, also known as a Continuous Integration Server, based on Jenkins, for building C# applications and DLLs.

I have an AssemblyInfo.cs file, which contains two kinds of information:

Fixed information, like:

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Application title")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("MyCompany")]

... and variable information, like:

[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("Sha.99560ad4873ab9e04bb8f262aafb5b3ee2fb6c1e")]

(This is generated by the command dotnet-gitversion /updateassemblyinfo)

The idea is that all those [assembly] entries come together in order to uniquely define every built binary (Application.exe, right-click and ask for "Details"), based on its commit hash.

As you can see, the first [assembly] entries are fixed, while the last one is variable.

So, I would like to have the first three ones in GIT, and the last one in .GitIgnore (or ignored by GIT in another way), but how to do that?

As far as I have understood

  • the mentioned [assembly] like [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Application title")] must be put in AssemblyInfo.cs (is that true?), but also:
  • the command dotnet-gitversion /updateassemblyinfo hardcodedly updates the file AssemblyInfo.cs (is that true?).

So, there are two possibilities:

  • Either I only check in a part of AssemblyInfo.cs into GIT (is this even possible?)
  • Either I find a way to put one of the [assembly] items in another file than AssemblyInfo.cs (is this even possible?)

Does anybody have an idea? Thanks


  • Try splitting the [assembly] attributes between several files:

    • for example, keep all fixed values in FixedAssemblyInfo.cs, commit it
    • let the dotnet-gitversion /updateassemblyinfo command update the normal AssemblyInfo.cs which will only contain dynamic values in this case. Don't commit this file

    The main idea is that the same [assembly] attributes are not duplicated in both places.