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Biztalk 2013r2 - Checking for multiple return schemas

I'm sending data to a REST service, but need to make sure I can handle response issues generated from the XML-RPC end of the service. The problem is the return schema for a fault is completely different to the standardised response schema.

I've changed my response types to System.Xml.XmlDocument, but I'm hoping there's an easier way of me checking for a specific schema being returned (so that I can then suspend the instance to be investigated from the console end).

Can I return multiple schemas from one response, and if so - what's the best way to achieve this?


  • Yes, you can return multiple different schemas on the same response port.

    What you can do is create an internal schema, and create maps from all the external schema that map to it, and have to on your Inbound Maps in your send port. Your could also set a field value, e.g. Succeeded to True or False, which you can either use for routing by promoting it and having subscriptions use the promoted property, or use it in an Orchestration (where distinguishing it would be enough).