I just wanted to upload my app on xiaomi app store and steps to create a signature build is not clear on develop dashboard there. I googled but couldn't fine anything useful, can someone please help me to find any doc or steps I need to follow in order to create a xiaomi app store compatible apk file.
Following are the steps to get the signature from MI dev website.
1.jarsigner signature method
You can use the jarsigner tool that comes with the JDK to complete the signing. The command format of the jarsigner tool is as follows:
jarsigner -verbose -keystore [path to your private key] -signedjar [path to file after signing] [path to unsigned file] [name of your certificate]
#jarsigner parameter description: The keystore parameter specifies the absolute path of your private key, for example: c:\mykeystore -signedjar The parameter specifies the absolute path where the signed apk file is stored, such as c:\signed.apk [unsigned file path] Specify the absolute path of the apk file to be signed, which is the one you downloaded from us. For example, c:\unsigned.apk [your certificate name] refers to the certificate name you set when you created the key.
Open the Terminal program and enter the decompressed directory of verification.zip downloaded from Xiaomi Developer Station, such as cd ~/Downloads/verification Use jarsigner to sign the command example:
jarsigner -verbose -keystore~/Workspace/mykeystore -signedjar ./signed.apk ./unsigned.apk xiaomi
Open the "Command Prompt" program and enter the decompressed directory of verification.zip downloaded from the Xiaomi developer station, for example, cd C:\Downloads\verification
Example of signing command using jarsigner:
jarsigner -verbose -keystoreC:\Downloads\verification\mykeystore -signedjar signed.apk unsigned.apk xiaomi
The acquisition of the above signature methods should be completed with the assistance of R&D personnel.