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Stylelint error in Nuxt (class based): Unexpected empty source (no-empty-source)

I get this Stylelint error suddenly in two of my components, I don't know why.

Unexpected empty source (no-empty-source)

I created a third component and removed content to the point where there is no content left, and the error still shows for that component too. So what can the issue be? I tried to understand this eslint documentation page , but I don't understand much of it, it does not explain what a "source" is.

Here is the simplified component (which is not used in the project):


<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'nuxt-property-decorator';
export default class NewComponent extends Vue {}

<style lang="postcss" scoped></style>

I get:

 12:31  ×  Unexpected empty source   no-empty-source


  • The issue was happening because there was an empty style tag, removing it fixed the issue.