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How to programmatically provision temporary IoT Certificates

Using Javascript/Nodejs how does one programmatically get a temporary provisioning claim certificate to send to the IoT device by a trusted user/installer? I have a Provisioning Template already created in my IoT Core and I can manually add it to the device, but I need a way to do it programmatically. AWS's documentation seems incredibly vague and void of examples.


  • Overview

    1. Create a user with appropriate access on AWS

    2. Obtain user’s aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key

    3. Configure, Build, and Run Javascript AWS SDK

    4. Get the Temporary Provisioning Certificate

    Step 1

    Create a user with appropriate access on AWS

    Log into AWS as root user or IAM user with the ability to create IAM users.

    At the Services menu on the top menu search “IAM”

    Select the IAM service in the populated list

    Create a Policy to Create/Request a Provisioning Certificate

    Select in the left-hand navigation Access Management > Policies

    Select Create Policy

    Select JSON tab

    Inside the "Statement": [ ] array paste the following code, adjusting the REGION, ACCOUNT NUMBER, and TEMPLATE NAME data:

          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [
              "arn:aws:iot:REGION:ACCOUNT NUMBER:provisioningtemplate/TEMPLATE NAME"


    *It should be noted that at the time of this writing the code example in the AWS docs (see URL above) is missing the service field “iot” in arn:aws:iot:us-east-1… (pull request submitted for changes 5/20/2022)

    Select Next:Tags

    Add appropriate tags/descriptions

    Select Next:Review

    Name it IoTCreateProvisioningClaim and add a memorable description

    Select Create Policy

    Create a Users Group

    Select in the left-hand navigation Access Management > User groups

    Select Create group

    Name the group "IoTThingsRegistrars” and give it the AWSIoTThingsRegistration and the newly created IoTCreateProvisioningClaim permissions by searching them in the Attach permissions policies - Optional section and selecting the checkbox next to them.

    Click Create group at the bottom of the page

    Create a User

    Select in the left-hand navigation Acess Management > Users

    Select Add users

    Name the new user “ProgrammaticIoTThingsRegistrar”

    Under Select AWS access type select the Access key - Programmatic access checkbox only

    Select Next: Permissions

    With “Add user to group” box selected, select the newly created IoTThingsRegistrars group checkbox

    Select Next: Tags

    Add any descriptive tags

    Select Next: Review

    Select Create user

    Observe that you now have access to the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

    Step 2

    Obtain user’s aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key

    Save in a secure location the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (Download CSV)

    Step 3

    Configure, Build, and Run Javascript AWS SDK


    Create an example Provisioning Application for this tutorial

    In your preferred CLI create a directory called IoTProvisioningExample

    mkdir IoTProvisioningExample

    cd IoTProvisioningExample

    Add the AWS SDK Client IoT to your project

    npm install @aws-sdk/client-iot

    Create a file to add the provisioning code

    nano index.js

    In index.js paste in the following code:

    import { IoTClient, CreateProvisioningClaimCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-iot";
    const client = new IoTClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // your correct region
    const input = { 
        templateName: 'provisioning\_template\_created\_in\_step3\_prerequisites'
    const command = new CreateProvisioningClaimCommand(input);
    const response = await client.send(command);

    Add credentials to your OS or APP so the AWS SDK can find them.

    Place aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key in a location where the Javascript AWS SDK can automatically find them respective to your operating system, Environment Variables File, or EC2 instance.

    For example, if using windows:

    cd /c/Users/'User Name'/

    mkdir .aws

    In this directory create 2 new files without extensions (like .txt or .js) simply named config and credentials

    In .aws/credentials add and save:

    aws_access_key_id = <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID> 
    aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>

    In .aws/config add and save:

    region = <YOUR_REGION> // us-east-1 

    Step 4

    Get the Temporary Provisioning Certificate

    Return to your application directory and run:

    node index.js

    You should get a response like:

      '$metadata': {
        httpStatusCode: 200,
        requestId: '62f6e183-ae40-\*\*\*\*-94d0-8ca25k31e4a70',
        extendedRequestId: undefined,
        cfId: undefined,
        attempts: 1,
        totalRetryDelay: 0
      certificateId: {
          // pems, private keys, etc