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CCXT Futues - STOP_MARKET (Python)

I am attemptin to create a STOP_MARKET order on Futures this is my code:

def futurePlaceOrder(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}):
    return = self.binanceFuture.createOrder (symbol, type, side, amount, price, params = {})

STOP_LOSS =  (futurePlaceOrder(
    symbol = 'BTC/USDT',
    type = 'STOP_MARKET',
    side = 'BUY',
    amount = 0.003,
    params = {
        'stopPrice': 29500,
        'closePosition': False

but I am getting the following error:

ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder: binance createOrder() requires a stopPrice extra param for a STOP_MARKET order

any advice please, thank you


  • Does this achieve what you are looking for?

    import ccxt
    import asyncio
    import json
    exchange = ccxt.binance({
        'apiKey': [...],
        'secret': [...],
        'enableRateLimit': True,
    exchange.options = {'defaultType': 'future', # or 'margin' or 'spot'
                        'adjustForTimeDifference': True,
                        'newOrderRespType': 'FULL',
                        'defaultTimeInForce': 'GTC'}
    markets = exchange.load_markets()
    symbol = 'BTC/USDT'
    type ='TAKE_PROFIT'
    side = 'buy'
    amount = 0.001
    price = 26000
    params = {
            'stopPrice': 25000,
    order = exchange.createOrder(symbol, type, side, amount, price, params)
    open_orders = exchange.fetchOrders('BTC/USDT')
    data = json.dumps(open_orders, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') )