Need change letter "a" to "1" and "e" to "2"
This is approximately html, in fact it is more nested
<a href="#">link</a>
some text
another text
expected output
<a href="#">link</a>
some t2xt
anoth2r t2xt
I believe your expected output has an error (given your conditions), but generally speaking, it can be done using xpath:
$html= '
[your html above]
$HTMLDoc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($HTMLDoc);
# locate all the text elements in the html;:
$targets = $xpath->query('//*//text()');
#get the text from each element
foreach ($targets as $target) {
$current = $target->nodeValue;
#make the required changes
$new = str_replace(["a", "e"],["1","2"], $current);
#replace the old with the new
echo $HTMLDoc->saveHTML();
<a href="#">link</a>
som2 t2xt
1noth2r t2xt