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How to export many rrd files to xml files

I have set of old rrd files, so I need to convert them to xml files and again to rrd files in a new server. In order to create xml files from whole directory, I have used following simple bash script.


cd /varcacti/rra

for i in ./traffic_in*;
/usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool dump $i /home/newuser/rrd_dump_xml/$i.xml;

This provides a set of xml files but the extension is not what I required actually. This provides,


But I need traffic_in_1111.rrd>>>traffic_in_1111.xml. can someone help me to modify my code?


  • You want


    which removes the rrd extension from the end of the string.

    You might want to be more specific with the files you're looping over:

    for i in ./traffic_in*.rrd