as the title says, I want to kill all backgroundprocess of a certain program, but keep the running foreground program on windows (Server 2016). All the processes are using the same .exe and therefore the only thing to separate them is to check if they are running in background or not. Using tasklist I can see the difference:
Abbildname PID Sitzungsname Sitz.-Nr. Speichernutzung
========================= ======== ================ =========== ===============
BpNexT.exe 6900 Services 0 254.936 K
BpNexT.exe 6164 Console 1 63.912 K
BpNexT.exe 6377 Services 0 251.234 K
The first and last process has to be killed, the second one should keep running. I tried to filter by service, but failed:
taskkill /IM BPNEXT.EXE /FI "services eq Services" /T /F
How do I kill the desired processes?
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('tasklist ^| findstr /I BPNEXT.EXE ^| findstr Services') DO (
set /a counter=1
FOR %%H IN (%%G) DO (
if !counter! == 2 (
taskkill /F /PID %%H
set /a counter=!counter!+1