I have a data of conversations between the phone numbers
from phone | to phone | message |
7788994455 | 2233665588 | hi |
2233665588 | 7788994455 | hello |
1122335566 | 4455117766 | where are you |
4455117766 | 1122335566 | I am home |
2233665588 | 7788994455 | wassup? |
I am looking to segregate all the messages of each number (two way).
Should be as:-
Example from the above table:
7788994455,2233665588:- hi|hello|wassup?
I am looking for the whole conversation should be grouped accordingly(from phone and to phone).
You may do:
df['from_to'] = list(zip(df['from'], df['to']))
df['from_to'] = df['from_to'].apply(lambda x:tuple(sorted(x)))
(1122335566, 4455117766) where are you|I am home
(2233665588, 7788994455) hi|hello|wassup?