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Scala "Try" return type and exception handling

I am a newbie for Scala and now am trying to complete an exercise. How can I return an InvalidCartException while the function return type is Try[Price]

//Success: return the calculated price
//Failure: InvalidCartException

def calculateCartPrice(cart:Cart): Try[Price] = {
    if(isCartValid(cart)) {
        //Calculations happen here
        return Try(Price(totalPrice));

def isCartValid(cart: Cart): Boolean = {

Thank you for the help


  • If you mean "how to make the Try contain an exception", then use the Failure() like below:

    def calculateCartPrice(cart:Cart): Try[Price] = {
        if(isCartValid(cart)) {
            //Calculations happen here
        } else {
            Failure(new InvalidCartException())

    Then, given a Try you can use getOrElse to get the value of success or throw the exception.