enum AllowedFruits {
Apple = 'APPLE',
Banana = 'BANANA',
Pear = 'PEAR'
const allowedFruits: AllowedFruits[] = [
AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana, AllowedFruits.Pear
What I want to achieve is restricting an array to have every field of specific enum.
I expect allowedFruits
shows type error by adding or removing field of AllowedFruits
Is there any way to achieve it?
If there are any articles or documents that I can refer to please let me know.
We can solve this by creating a type containing all possible combinations of AllowedFruits
type AllPermutations<T extends string | number> = [T] extends [never]
? []
: {
[K in T]: [K, ...AllPermutations<Exclude<T, K>>]
type AllFruitPermutations = AllPermutations<AllowedFruits>
This may result in bad performance if you have a lot of elements inside the enum because every single combination needs to be calculated first.
Let's see if this works:
/* Error */
/* Error */
const t1: AllFruitPermutations = []
const t2: AllFruitPermutations = [AllowedFruits.Apple]
const t3: AllFruitPermutations = [AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana]
const t4: AllFruitPermutations = [AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana, AllowedFruits.Pear, AllowedFruits.Pear]
/* OK */
const t5: AllFruitPermutations = [AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana, AllowedFruits.Pear]
It is also possible to solve this by passing allowedFruits
to a function with a generic type.
We can create a generic helper type ExhaustiveFruits
which checks if all enum values are present in the array.
type ExhaustiveFruits<
O extends AllowedFruits[],
T extends AllowedFruits[] = O,
P extends string = `${AllowedFruits}`
> = [P] extends [never]
? O
: T extends [`${infer L}`]
? [P] extends [L]
? O
: never
: T extends [`${infer L}`, ...infer R]
? R extends AllowedFruits[]
? ExhaustiveFruits<O, R, Exclude<P, L>>
: never
: never
The logic of ExhaustiveFruits
is quite simple: It is a recursive type where we start with a union of all enum values as P
and the tuple of AllowedFruits
as T
For each element of T
, the string
value of the element is inferred with '${infer L}'
. Afterwards this value is removed from the P
union with Exclude<P, L>
Every iteration there is a check if P
is empty with [P] extends [never]
or if the last element of T
is the last element of P
with [P] extends [L]
. If this is the case, the original tuple O
can be returned. If T
is empty but P
has still AllowedFruits
in its union, never
is returned.
The type can be used in a generic function createAllowedFruitsArray
like this:
function createAllowedFruitsArray<
T extends AllowedFruits[]
>(arr: [...ExhaustiveFruits<T>]) : T {
return arr
Some checks to see if this is working:
[] // Error
[AllowedFruits.Apple] // Error
[AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana] // Error
[AllowedFruits.Apple, AllowedFruits.Banana, AllowedFruits.Pear] // OK
Right now it would also be possible to use the same enum value multiple times, as long as all are used.
AllowedFruits.Pear] // Also ok, even though Pear is twice in the array
But with a slight modification, we can also change this:
type ExhaustiveFruits<
O extends AllowedFruits[],
T extends AllowedFruits[] = O,
P extends string | number = `${AllowedFruits}`
> = [P] extends [never]
? O["length"] extends 0
? O
: never
: T["length"] extends 1
? [P] extends [`${T[0]}`]
? O
: never
: T extends [any, ...infer R]
? R extends AllowedFruits[]
? [`${T[0]}`] extends [P]
? ExhaustiveFruits<O, R, Exclude<P, `${T[0]}`>>
: never
: never
: never