How do I fix: "Related jump out of range by 0007h bytes" in this code? Using notepad++ to execute in DOSBox
I'm just new to jump syntax, I have no idea why I made an error. This program is not finished yet, I just need to find out if the jump went wrong so that I can proceed again with another flow that I will do.
Notepad+ Code:
.model small
.stack 100h
.data ;string
Menu db 0dh,0ah, " MAIN MENU $" ;MAIN MENU
Cal db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah, "[1]Calculator $"
Con db 0dh,0ah, "[2]Conversion $"
Ex db 0dh,0ah, "[3]Exit $"
Pik db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah, "Pick your choice: $" ;Choose
SubC db 0dh,0ah, "Calculator Sub-MENU $" ;Calculator Sub-MENU
Ad db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"[1]Addition $"
Su db 0dh,0ah, "[2]Subtraction $"
Mu db 0dh,0ah, "[3]Multiplication $"
Dv db 0dh,0ah, "[4]Division $"
BkCM db 0dh,0ah, "[5]Back to Main MENU $"
PikA db 0dh,0ah, "Calculator: Addition $" ;Calculator: Addition
PikS db 0dh,0ah, "Calculator: Subtraction $" ;Calculator: Subtraction
PikM db 0dh,0ah, "Calculator: Multiplication $" ;Calculator: Multiplication
PikD db 0dh,0ah, "Calculator: Division $" ;Calculator: Division
BsT db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"[1]Base 10 $" ;Calculator: Base
BsE db 0dh,0ah,"[2]Base 11 $"
BkS db 0dh,0ah,"[3]Back to Sub-MENU $" ;ack to Sub-MENU
SubV db 0dh,0ah, "Conversion Sub-MENU $" ;Conversion Sub-MENU
Hex db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,"[1]Base 8 to Base 16 $"
Oct db 0dh,0ah, "[2]Base 16 to Base 8 $"
Deci db 0dh,0ah, "[3]Base 8 to Base 10 $"
BkVM db 0dh,0ah, "[4]Back to Main MENU $"
Spc db 0dh,0ah, " $ " ;Spacing
main proc
mov ax,@data ;initialize ds
mov ds,ax
Start: ;show MAIN MENU
mov ah,09h
lea dx, Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx, Menu ;Main Menu
int 21h
lea dx, Cal
int 21h
lea dx, Con
int 21h
lea dx, Ex
int 21h
lea dx, Pik ;Choise
int 21h
mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,31h ;cmp Logic
je CalSub
cmp al,32h
je ConSub
cmp al,33h
jge ExitP
CalSub: ;show Calculator Sub-MENU
mov ah,09h
lea dx, Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx, SubC ;Calculator Sub-MENU
int 21h
lea dx, Ad
int 21h
lea dx, Su
int 21h
lea dx, Mu
int 21h
lea dx, Dv
int 21h
lea dx, BkCM
int 21h
lea dx,Pik ;Choice
int 21h
mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,31h ;cmp Logic
je CalAd
cmp al,32h
je CalSu
cmp al,33h
je CalMu
cmp al,34h
je CalDv
cmp al,35h
je Start
ConSub: ;show Conversion Sub-MENU
mov ah,09h
lea dx, Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx, SubV ;Conversion Sub-MENU
int 21h
lea dx, Hex
int 21h
lea dx, Oct
int 21h
lea dx, Deci
int 21h
lea dx, BkVM
int 21h
lea dx, Pik ;Choice
int 21h
int 20 ;Stop Program
CalAd: ;show Addition
mov ah,09
lea dx,Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx,PikA ;Addition
int 21h
cmp al,31h ;Base Choices
je Base
CalSu: ;show Subtraction
mov ah,09
lea dx,Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx,PikS ;Subtraction
int 21h
cmp al,32h ;Base Choices
je Base
CalMu: ;show Multiplication
mov ah,09
lea dx,Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx,PikM ;Multiplication
int 21h
cmp al,33h ;Base Choices
je Base
CalDv: ;show Division
mov ah,09
lea dx,Spc ;new Line
int 21h
lea dx,PikD ;Division
int 21h
cmp al,34h ;Base Choices
je Base
Base: ;Show Base
mov ah,09h ;Base
lea dx,BsT
int 21h
lea dx,BsE
int 21h
lea dx,BkS
int 21h
lea dx,Pik ;Choice
int 21h
mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,33h ;cmp to back in Calculator Sub-MENU
jnz CalSub
mov ah,4Ch ;end here
int 21h
main endp
end main
The Error that pop in:
Range of short jump x86 instruction is limited to -128..+127. If the target is further away, it has to be encoded differently, using near jump bypassed by short conditional jump with inverted condition code. Either move the target subprocedures closer to cmp logic
, or replace
cmp al,31h ;cmp Logic
je CalSub
cmp al,32h
je ConSub
cmp al,31h ; cmp Logic
jne @@not1 ; Inverted condition.
jmp CalSub ; Proxy near jump without range restriction.
@@not1: cmp al,32h
jne @@not2 ; Inverted condition.
jmp ConSub ; Proxy near jump without range restriction.
Some assemblers do this replacement automatically for CPU older than 386, which do not have conditional near jump.
An alternative solution is jump table of words with offsets of targets:
JumpTable: DW CalSub, ConSub, ExitP
.code ; cmp Logic
sub al,31h ; Let AL=0,1,2 for CalSub, ConSub, ExitP.
xor bx,bx
mov bl,al ; MOVZX BX,AL would be better, but N/A on 086.
add bx,bx ; Let BX=0,2,4 for CalSub, ConSub, ExitP.
jmp [JumpTable+BX] ; Use BX as an index to JumpTable.