I have one stream listening changes from a table in supabase, insert and update operations works fine, when occurs one change the stream on flutter listen and re draw the widget but if I delete one row in the database or through the app the stream not listen.
This is the code of stream that listen on flutter.
Stream<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> response = clientSupabase
.order('likes', ascending: false)
I try without filter just using .from('PollSongs') and the same code and all operation works fine insert, update, and delete.
Stream<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> response = clientSupabase
.order('likes', ascending: false)
Apologies for not documenting this on the stream()
section, but could you try running the following SQL and see if it fixes it?
alter table "PollSongs" replica identity full;
You can read more about this configuration here in the official docs. https://supabase.com/docs/reference/javascript/subscribe#listening-to-deletes