I am attempting to deploy two cloudfront distributions in cn-northwest-1 and I cannot seem to get ACM certificates attached to them, terraform keeps returning the following error
error creating CloudFront Distribution: InvalidViewerCertificate: The specified SSL certificate source isn't available in this region.
│ status code: 400
The ACM certificates are being generated in us-east-1 and the validation is completing successfully, but it seems that the cloudfront distribution which is created in china cannot access the certificates in the account with access to us-east-1 and RAM does not work for ACM Certificates as far as I could find.
Has anyone run into the similar issue, is the only solution here using SSL/TLS certificates and manually importing them?
Received a response on the AWS support forms and it seems the AWS China Does not currently support ACM Certificates for CloudFront, You Have to use an already generated SSL Certificate and import it into IAM, specifically into /cloudfront/ and then it can be used by CloudFront