I want to bundle a WebWorker script using Webpack 5. The way to do this given the current documentation is:
const worker = new Worker('./path_to_worker.js', import.meta.url)
However I want to start the worker in a different context of where I defined it. I want to get the url string for the worker and actually start it elsewhere.
const workerUrl = ... get webpack bundled path to worker...
... somewhere else in the code ...
let worker = new Worker(workerUrl)
Dynamic imports could generate the bundle for the Worker, but I am unable to get the url of the imported script so I can pass it to the worker constructor at later moment in the program execution.
How would I be able to do this?
This horrible hack is the best I could come up with at the present time:
function getWorkerUrl() {
class FakeWorker {
constructor(url: string | URL) {}
let oldWorker = self.Worker
// override the default Worker class temporarily to prevent the worker from launching
self.Worker = FakeWorker
// this will generate the worker bundle with a specified name
let worker = new Worker(new URL("./worker.ts" /* webpackChunkName: 'bundle-worker.js' */, import.meta.url))
// determine the path to the bundle
const url = './path_to_js/bundle-worker.js'
// restore the original Worker api
self.Worker = oldWorker
return url