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How to skip empty rows while reading multiple tabs in R?

I am trying to read an excel file with multiple tabs. For that, I use the code provided here. The problem is that each tab has a different number of empty rows before the actual data begins. For example, the first tab has two empty rows, the second tab has three empty rows, and so on.

Normally, I would use the parameter skip in the read_excel function to indicate the number of empty lines to skip. But how do I do that for multiple tabs with different numbers of rows to skip?


  • perhaps the easiest solution would be to read it as it is then remove rows, i.e. yourdata <- yourdata[!$columname),] ; this would work if you don't expect any NA's in a particular column, like id. If you have data gaps everywhere you can test for all NAs in multiple columns - let me know if that's what you need.