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specifying three cluster groups, but dendrogram clusters into four

I'm having a frustrating problem that I can't reproduce (I wish I could). I've generated dendrograms with three ecological datasets, using the same code but unique objects for each. Each leaf in the dendrograms is a survey plot, with species presence/abundance driving the clustering.

I cut the dendrogram into 3 groups, and color code each group. This works for fine for all three datasets when clustering using Euclidean distance, and for two of my datasets when using Bray-Curtis distance. However: the third dataset clusters two leaves when using Bray-Curtis, and forces the color code to recycle, creating k = 4 groups despite specifying k = 3.

My question is: why would two leaves (plots) be forced into their own 'cluster,' and force the dendrogram to have 4 clusters when I've specified k = 3 groups?

I've pasted below an example of the code, and images of the "correct" and "wrong" dendrograms. Curious if anyone has any troubleshooting suggestions, since I can't offer code that reproduces this error. TIA.

I've tried:

  • removing the custom color value (no effect, still get 4 clusters when k = 3).
  • adding a cutree argument to the 'dend' object, but this produces error 'Error in stats::cutree(tree, k = k, h = h, ...) : the 'height' component of 'tree' is not sorted (increasingly)'

Example code (same format with unique objects used for each dendrogram figure). Please access csv from See file clusterdata.csv for the troublesome dataset. Colnames are species; rows are plot ID; values are cover class bins (0 = absent, 1 = < 25%, 2 = 25-50%, etc.)

d <- read.csv("clusterdata.csv")

dend <- d %>% 
vegdist(method = "bray") %>% 
hclust(method = "ward.D") %>% 
# cutree(h = 3) %>% 

mycol <- c("#009E73", "#0072B2", "#E69F00")

dend.plot <-  as.dendrogram(dend) %>%
   set("branches_lwd", 2) %>% # Branches line width
   set("branches_k_color", mycol, k = 3) %>% # Color branches by groups
   set("labels_cex", 0.5) # Change label size
plot(dend.plot, ylab = "Bray-Curtis Distance", main = "why would clusters be different?")

"correct" dendrogram - cut & color coded at three highest levels "wrong" dendrogram - why are the two orange leaves their own cluster?!?


  • I found a solution in the post below that involves an intermediate step rounding the height component to get around the height differences being too small or negative.

    dend <- d %>% 
    vegdist(method = "bray") %>% 
    hclust(method = "ward.D")
    dend$height <- round(dend$height, 6)
    dend <- as.dendrogram(dend)

    It worked fine with average linkage but with Ward some distances are extremely small. You'll notice the values are a lot more reasonable after rounding if you run this:

    dend <- d %>% 
    vegdist(method = "bray") %>% 
    hclust(method = "ward.D")

    The 'height' component of 'tree' is not sorted Error in cutree

    Also interesting discussion on Cross Validated on issues combining HC with Bray Distance: HC With Bray Distance